Archive for fake tits

Most embarrassing moment..

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on March 20, 2008 by darlinnikki

Amanda at Shamelessly Sassy offered up a challenge (and a contest, if money interests you..) to tell about your most embarrassing moment. Here’s one of mine:

Many years ago (alright, not THAT many) I was thin. A thin me equals a small chested me. I always wanted some tits, but didn’t want to spend money on breast augmentation. I was also single. I also liked to party. And meet men..

Well I went out and bought me some boobies. Yes, I know what I just said..not surgery. I got some falsies. They were so soft, made out of silicone & really natural looking. I was a cup size larger & thought I was so hot. I started wearing them all the time, but especially when going out to the clubs.

One night at a club, my friends and I were all drinking and dancing (of course!). I met this hot guy & everyone was having a great time. One minute I was dancing and smiling coyly, and the next I was grabbing at my lopsided chest and scanning the dancefloor for my lost enhancement. Aha, I saw it! But it would be so obvious if I picked it up(like me covering my cleavage wasn’t), so I kicked it with my expensive fuck me heel. It sort of rolled – in the wrong direction- towards the guy I was dancing with and hit his foot. He looked down and I bolted for the bathroom. I ditched the remaining twin in the trash, told a girlfriend I was feeling sick & needed to leave. She had to go gather the others in the group we were with, while I hid out in the ladies’ room.

I swear my face stayed bright red for days! I don’t know who else saw what happened, but I’m sure people at least noticed my abrupt change in bustiness. Not to mention my strange sudden affinity for baggy shirts. They probably all suspected I was preggie.